//InstaVR FAQ : What is “Enable head reset on scene change” option?

InstaVR FAQ : What is “Enable head reset on scene change” option?

“Enable head reset on scene change” is an option used to set destination scene’s starting position when that scene is getting open via link from other scene.

For example, A project is having two images (Scene A & Scene B) where I have added scene B as link destination for scene A and I have set offset (red rectangular) like below for scene B

Now if the build is created by enabling “Enable head reset on scene change” from Package > Advanced Option (refer below screenshot); scene B will start from that particular position as I have set above

Note : If “Enable head reset on scene change” is disabled then scene’s initial position will be determined by system itself as per its defaults.


2017-02-09T11:29:44+00:00 February 9th, 2017|Support|