VR in Education :
Memorable Education Utilizing the Power of Virtual Reality

Teachers and students – from elementary school through post-graduate.

To offer educators the opportunity to create engaging, immersive VR experiences to share with students. To offer students the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, creating memorable, educational VR apps that can be shared in-class or worldwide.

Current Situation:
Both students and teachers have a hunger for technology that will make learning more engaging. VR provides an unparalleled educational opportunity for students. However, virtually no students or teachers are equipped with the technical knowledge to create a VR app themselves.

Why Gap Occurred ?
Creating VR historically has required engineering knowledge that that was not accessible to a typical teacher or student.

Utilize InstaVR’s drag-and-drop interface to quickly and easily create shareable VR apps.
- High Quality 360 Video/Images for iOS, Android, Gear VR and Google Cardboard
- Either teachers or students can now easily create immersive 360 educational apps
- Publish to the iTunes or Google Play Stores for wider distribution
- Directly embed VR into your web pages for widest distribution

Required Resources:
- A 360 panorama camera such as the Ricoh Theta S to capture images/video
- Web Browser
- InstaVR Pro Account

Example Schedule:
- Now: Learn how to use InstaVR
- Sign up for InstaVR account (1 minute)
- Complete InstaVR Tutorial (10 minutes)
- Day 1: Capture 360 Images or Video you’d like to include in your educational app. Allocate licenses to students if this for the classroom.
- Day 2: Upload content to InstaVR
- Day 3: Create App home screen, augment images/videos with informational hotspots
- Day 4: One-click publish to iOS, Android, Google Cardboard, Gear VR. You can also embed WebVR into your classroom web page.