//InstaVR FAQ : How to view GearVR package WITHOUT developer mode enabled.

InstaVR FAQ : How to view GearVR package WITHOUT developer mode enabled.

1.  Download GearVR package on Samsung S6/S7 device from InstaVR through QR code from “Download” section of InstaVR console like below :

2.  Install the package like normal android application.

3.  Confirm that the application is successfully installed.

4.  Open the application by tapping the application icon.

5.  You will get below screen on your mobile.

6.  Now plug in your Samsung S6/S7 device in to GearVR device. You will listen a sound once the mobile is successfully plugged in.

7. Wear the GearVR device on your head.

8.  You will get below messages. Select “Allow”.

9. Now you will be able to watch the application.



2017-03-22T09:23:43+00:00 March 22nd, 2017|Support|