//iOS App Store Certification Process & Publish Package for iOS Using InstaVR

iOS App Store Certification Process & Publish Package for iOS Using InstaVR

Below are the steps you need to follow in order to publish the iOS app:

1.  In InstaVR app, Once you are done uploading your VR Files, hotspots, links, Go to Publish section >> iOS >> App Store.

2.  Click on Create New Certificate button.

3.  Click on download CSR File button. It will download CSR file. Keep downloaded CSR file at some accessible place on your computer.

4. Login using your apple developer account – https://developer.apple.com/
Note : User will have to enrol in Apple Developer Program as an Individual or Organization. For More information, Please check below link :
Users who have not enrolled in Apple Developer Program will not have access to create certificate & provisioning profiles.


5.  Go to Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles section.


6. Go to Certificates>>All, Click on “+” icon to Generate and Download “Distribution Certificate (.CER)


7.  Select App Store and Ad Hoc radio button displayed under Production section.Click on Continue button.


8. Click on Continue button on “About Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)” screen.

9. Upload a CSR File downloaded on step 3 on Generate your certificate screen. Click on Continue button.

10. “Your Certificate is ready” page appears, Download the distribution certificate and keep it at some accessible place on your computer.

11.  Go to Identifiers>>App IDs, Click on “+” icon to register App ID.


12.  On “Registering an App ID” page, Enter “App ID Description” name. (You cannot use special characters such as @, &, *, ‘, “)


13. Remain Explicit App ID radio button selected and Enter Bundle ID.
Note :  – InstaVR Accept Reverse-domain App ID only (e.g. co.instavr.firstiosapp)
– Apple allows to have Bundle ID like “myvrapp” (no period), but InstaVR doesn’t accept it.
– user can use number in Bundle ID such as “360” at the end of word only. e.g. co.instavr.myapp360 will work but “co.instavr.360myapp” might not work.
– User must not use any special character except for “. (period)” in bundle ID.



14.  Keep other settings as it is and click on Continue button.


15. On Confirm Your App ID screen, review your App ID information and click on Submit button.

16. On Registration Complete screen, Click on Done button.


17.  Go to Provisioning Profile>>Distribution,Click on “+” icon to add provisioning profile.


18. On Add iOS provisioning profile screen, under distribution section, select App Store radio button and click on Continue button.

19.  On Select an App ID screen , from dropdown, select App ID which was registered recently through above mentioned steps (Step 13,14,15,16) and click on Continue button.

20. On Select Certificates screen, select the certificate created recently through above mentioned steps (Steps 5 to 10). Click on Continue button.

21. On “Name this profile and generate” screen, Add a Profile name as your iOS App name. Click on Generate button.

22. Download the provisioning profile generated and keep it at some accessible place on your computer and Click on Done Button.

23.  Go to InstaVR Web app and on Publish section>>iOS>>Platform Settings. click on “Upload Certificate” button.

24. Upload Certificate which was downloaded in step 10.

25.   click on “Upload Provisioning” button.

26.  Upload Provisioning Profile which was downloaded in step 22.

27.  As soon as verify button is clicked, it will verify
1) If the Uploaded Certificate was created using downloaded InstaVR’s CSR file.
2) If the Uploaded Provisioning Profile is associated with appropriate certificate in Apple Developer’s account.
3) If .cer extension file is uploaded in Upload Certificate and .mobileprovision extension file is uploaded in Upload Provisioning fields.

If any of the condition mentioned above does not match, the verification process will fail and it will show an error message showing what was wrong. Please check below screenshots.

1. When Uploaded Certificate was not created using downloaded InstaVR’s CSR file.

2.  When Uploaded Provisioning Profile is not associated with appropriate certificate in Apple Developer’s account.

3. When .cer extension file in Upload Certificate and .mobileprovision extension file in Upload Provisioning fields are not uploaded in respective fields and some other file extension files are uploaded in any of the fields.

28. When Clicked Verify button, If Verification process is completed without any errors, “Not Valid. Inactivated” turns into “Validated. Activate Now” button.

29. Click On “Validated. Activate Now” button, The Button will turn in to “Ready to make package for App Store”.

30.  You have successfully uploaded valid certificate & provisioning profile.

31.  Now you can create iOS builds for App Store.

32. Click on “Make Package for iOS” to generate iOS build.

33. After some time, iOS package is generated and Download iOS package(.IPA) from Downloads section.

After downloading iOS package (.IPA) of your application, you can upload app to the app store using https://itunesconnect.apple.com/

Please watch below link :

2017-02-17T04:32:16+00:00 February 17th, 2017|Support|